copying and borrowing styles on DA...
1654 votes
happens, is bad and i hate everyone that does it
is a good learning experience
is an overrated point of discussion
is not the worst thing that can happen to a DA gallery but is admittedly an occasional problem
is an inevitable result of the popularity scale and artist-style-worship here
is entirely exaggerated by snobby artists who are possessive about their supposedly 'original' styles
is aghgheio; eiofniwnpwgeia gv2-93t-22ZZZzzzzzzzzzz.
is not a subject about which i have a strong moral judgement

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loish's avatar
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vi-chan's avatar
i admit, i am influenced by many artists, and i often find myself emulating part of that style. with you, for example loish, i -adore- your colouring, and have a great admiration for what you do. i take on your advice about trying to prevent flat colouring by using a variety of colours rather than just a darker tone. however, i don't want to be replicating your style, as much as i love it. also, because i've recently moved away from more anime-styled work and been looking at lot of art nouveau pictures, i've adopted drawing in that form, making it less cartoon-like and more semi-realistic. again, i love the sinuous line and form of art nouveau, but i don't desire to be able to draw exactly the same as that - after all, if i'm just adopting and replicating the exact same style, then it stops becoming my work (at least in my eyes).

ps. i hope this is coherent, it's about 4am ^^'